Sunday, December 21, 2008

Missing Home:

the past few weeks have just flown by! i have no idea where they went or what happened even haha. once again, it is time for me to empty out my mind... this may take a while- as always :)

one thing that i have been thinking so much about is my home. home is such a sacred word... there are so many memories linked to this place- happy times and awful times. but it seems like wherever i am in life and whatever is going on, i always find home to be a safe and comforting place. ever since college, my idea of home has constantly been shifting. before this, i always thought home to be the place that i was with my immediate family. but since leaving the nest and trying to make a little sanctuary of my own, my opinions have changed a little. one thing that i find to be fascinating is how much i love my college buddies. i cannot even begin to express my love for these amazing people. six months ago, most of us were strangers- we had no idea who we all were, or how much that first hello would impact our lives. i feel like i have been truly blessed by meeting the people i have. we really have come together and united to make our own little family. now i really have two homes it seems... and when i am at one, i miss the other terribly. they are both so different but i feel like i couldnt live without both of them. college life is tough- there are so many things that get thrown at you and you have to figure things out on your own. it is a lot different then what we all were used to. when you move away, you are all alone it may seem- and that is SO overwhelming. but then you have your little college family to lift you up and help you continue on. they may think that they dont do much, but really, they have no idea how much they have helped me. it is nice to be with my immediate family for the holidays, but i cant help but feel a little ache in my heart where i wish my college family was with me to share this wonderful season too. so this is just a little shout out to those people who have grabbed my hand and held me close in this new stage of my life. i love you all so much more than you could ever know. thank you for all you do and for being in my life. this hobo will never, ever forget you.

a few days ago, i spent a whole day with a really close friend of mine- one that i couldnt imagine my life without. the day was perfect and i had a complete blast! when we were driving in my very attractive listerine truck, the thought occurred to me: four years ago, i completely disliked this boy i was with. four years ago, i wouldnt have cared squat about this kid. and if you would have told me that eventually, i would consider him to be one of my closest buddies, i would have told you to jump off a cliff- and maybe take him with you (buddy i love you now haha). it was a very interesting realization for me. it just hit really hard that you have no idea who is inside that kid behind you in math class- until you really get to know them. another perfect example is megan leavitt. heck i have learned to love this girl so much! do you know the funny thing though? i have known who she was for like six years maybe. but i never KNEW her. and boy i was missing out! judgements are so restricting! i cannot even begin to tell you how many times i have misjudged someone and missed out on a really amazing human being. it makes me sad to think that i missed out on knowing these incredible people for so long! simply because i judged them- wrong mind you. how many times do we do this? you know it happens daily! but we keep doing it... why? ugh. will i ever understand?! probably not haha. all i can say, is to be more careful when you first meet someone. look a little deeper and try to actually SEE who this person is... or who they can be. it is worthwhile! and you just might not miss out like i did...

psh. some boys have the most perfect eyelashes in the world. does it not seem like there are countless guys that have flawless black lashes that are carefully curled- thick and long. what is this?! i see some girls who have terrible eyelashes... short and stubby- straight and blonde. this is a bother to girls around the world! lucky boys... you better enjoy them and be sure to not take advantage of them either! i know girls who would trade an arm and a leg for those hairs that line your eyes.

once again, i just have to say something about deep and juicy talks. man i love them so much! there is nothing like sitting with a buddy and really talking. just letting go- talking AND listening. sharing thoughts and opinions. yesterday night, i had a great talk with one of my best friends ever. we sat in the car for a good hour and just caught up. you know, it is amazing how different people can be, but can also be so similar! one thing that struck me pretty hard is how we all feel the same emotions. at the time we are dealing with them, it may seem as if we are the only ones struggling with this particular feeling- but really, there are people ALL AROUND YOU that have delt with or are dealing with something very similar. once you realize that, it can give a huge boost of hope. so thanks for the good talk, buddy.

hugh jackman.... mmmmmmm.... (blaine i hope you saw that haha)

the snow is so beautiful. i dont care if you hate the cold and you despise those frozen water dropplets- you cannot tell me that our earth frosted in ice is not a gorgeous thing to see. i do admit, i HATE driving in the snow and i do miss chilling around in shorts and a tee shirt, but there is something about the winter that is really pretty. i think the seasons are a really interesting thing to watch. to see the bare trees covered in frost start to change- growing back leaves and turning green... to see the flowers sprout and open up... all the pretty colors that come back after the long and white winter... the dry and hot summers... then to see everything start to come to a close and slowly start to fade or go into hibernation- all the yellows, reds, and browns. then it all starts over again! there is no way that after witnessing this miraculous change that one can deny a higher power. there is definitely a God who knows what He is doing! man, we are lucky to be able to witness those little miracles each and every day.

photos are an incredible invention. i cannot even begin to comprehend how a camera functions! how can a little box record a moment in time- freeze a memory so perfectly?! that is incredible! i am so glad to have pictures of times in my life... the important events and the silly, random things. i LOVE looking at pictures- anyone's pictures, not just my own. it is like a little glimpse into the life of that person. you are seeing a memory that they experienced. taking a little step in their shoes. oh the joys of technology...

out of my league... that saying takes on a whole new meaning when you do find something- or someone- that is "out of your league". have you even fallen for someone that seems absolutely perfect? not that they have no flaws necessarily, but that there are so many good things about them, and they are trying to tackle their flaws, that it kind of neutralizes them? someone who has so many things to offer- so many talents and amazing capabilities that blow you out of the water... someone who opens their mouth and the most wonderful and intelligent things start coming out and it seems as though they are a million years ahead of you? someone who really KNOWS God and isnt afraid to share what they know? a person who has a million people knocking on the door to their heart- also wanting to just be in their life? yeah me too. it is hard to know what to do... part of you says that you have no chance. the likelihood that out of all the people they could choose, they pick YOU is pretty dang slim. you might make up a bunch of excuses and justifications as to why you should just give up... to spare yourself an aching heart, to get away from embarassment, to give others who deserve someone like that a better chance, yadda yadda. but then again, you cant help but hope that they DO pick you out of all the other possibilites. that they might see something in you that might be even the slightest bit worthy of their attention and care (not that they would say it like that... they are pretty near perfection remember? so they are too humble to see that they are utterly amazing :) haha). i personally dont doubt that taking on the challenge is the best thing to do. there is nothing worse then not going for something and wondering if you would have just tried if you would have made it. so if it doesnt work out, at least you went for it and gave it all you had! that doesnt hurt- much :). you know, even if it doesnt work out, i get a lot out of the whole experience. not only do i find more exceptional qualities that i will probably not be able to help but compare everyone else i meet to (sadly... that is unfair to compare with someone like that...), but also, i cant help but take a look at me- a deeper look. i love being around these people that make you feel so good about everything... and you cant help but want to be the best you can be. for some reason, they pull that desire out of you and help you see a little better smidge of what you could be. they help me want to fix bad habits and overcome flaws. help me want to make myself a little more worthy of them. to sum it all up, even if i try and fail, i still got something out of the whole experience and hopefully, i am a better person because of it. so i will keep sticking to going for those that seem impossible. besides... it is better to shoot for the stars (and in HIS case, the moon, the sun, the next galaxy, that wayward planet, those stars over there... haha) and miss, then to shoot for a pile of manure and make it.

stephen speaks has the most beautiful song... out of my league. check it out!

the christmas season... i love everything about it. can you just feel the love in the air? i feel so grateful lately... for friends mostly... but for everything as well. i cant help but smile at this time of year and think about what happened those many years ago... the reason for the season.

i love you all. thank you for all you do for me... you dont know how much i adore you.
have a very merry CHRISTmas.

love, kirena

Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's that time again!

haha... oh marc. my favorite man. you think you are so clever.

so i have come to the conclusion that i freaking have too much to say. so i put off writing and put off and put off... you get the idea. then finally, i decide i must write and i explode. this is a habit of mine i suppose- but it could be worse. i could be picking my nose or something awkward. so this habit i will accept- and YOU can accept the fact that i will write every few weeks and those every few weeks you will find a gigantuous post overflowing with paragraphs of greatness and inspirational nothingness. i cannot promise that they will all make sense to you... once again i am just going to empty out my brain and what comes out, comes out. so sit back and enjoy!

mmmmmmmmmmmmm....... chocolate. taste it. love it. crave it. hunt for it. lick your fingers when its gone. ravenously look for more. steal someone elses. ah yeah.

long talks are the best things ever. i wish people would take time to have such great conversations. one thing that bothers me so much is people who have to be entertained constantly. those people who need ongoing stimulation- video games, movies, music, movement, etc. why can't we just sit and talk? it isnt boring... and if you are bored- well- then you can leave! haha just kidding but really... there is nothing like sitting in a room of friends- people you love and care about- and just talking. asking questions about each other. digging a little deeper. put all that superficial crap to the side and learn about each other. i think it is so fascinating to learn about people. i LOVE questions. i love hearing about people and what makes them tick. what makes them happy or sad. what they are scared of or what they look forward to. it is a really great experience. we dont do it enough sadly. but when we do, it is unforgettable! some of my favorite memories deal with good talks and deep conversations. so i guess to sum it up, turn off the tv. put away that video game and joystick. turn down the music and open your mouth. TALK. LISTEN. ask questions. dig into a mind. you won't regret it :)

the world needs talkers and listeners. this is another thing that the world seems to forget. have you ever been around someone who cant seem to shut up? who is constantly jabbering and you simply give up adding in your own thoughts because it is not worth it to fight with the blabbermouth. there are people like this all over the place! i think it is so important to listen, not just talk. i know it can be fun to tell your stories and you have ideas and opinions you want to share, but so does everyone else. lets take turns talking and stop the competitive tug-of-war for the floor.
this swings both ways too. some people never talk and only listen. they have given up trying to fight for the floor and resort to silence of the mouth. but everyone needs someone to listen to them- even the listeners.
so show you care- talk when it is appropriate but also listen. ask questions and listen to answers. let the people who are usually quiet get a word in... maybe prod them a little to get it out of them. but make sure you are doing both some talking and some listening.

muddy buddies are the greatest creation on this earth. oh baby.

you ever fallen in love with someone that you barely see (if you see them at all), but talk to all the time? this is an odd way to fall for someone, but it is something that is very interesting. this type of emotional attachment is surprisingly strong and could almost be better then a more physical relationship. of course, it wouldnt hurt to see that special someone more often ;)

so you are talking to a person, a friend or aquaintance- whatever- and you notice they have a black something stuck in their front tooth... very noticeable and obvious. are you the type of person who immediately tells them there is something in their teeth? or the other type: do you ignore it and let someone else tell them hours later after they have talked to 50 more people? sit there and try to look elsewhere but are suddenly drawn to that green particle of food and cant seem to look away- giving that poor person a complex in which they run to the bathroom promptly after talking to you to see what the heck you kept staring at? psh. if you are one of those types of people, you should be burned at the stake. haha k not really, but please tell that poor person! there is nothing more embarrasing then to look in the mirror and realize you have a big chunk of lunch in your tooth when it is nearly dinnertime and you have talked and smiled at 100 people (who didnt have the decency to tell you). so next time i have a flake in my nose or an eyebooger or a piece of crap in my teeth, TELL ME. thank you.

some jobs suck.

some people suck.

so love one another.

i fight with her the most, i get along with her the most. i hate her the most, i love her the most.

my fluffy is adorable. how in the freak did we come up with fluffy and mama fluffy?!

is that a man or a woman? how many times has this annoying question clouded your mind? there is nothing more bothersome then seeing a person and not being able to determine the gender of...... it. this one time, i was at a swimming pool in montana. i am all in my suit, ready with swim toys in hand, eager to leap into the cool water and act like the fish that i really am. then i see it. a person swimming in that lucious cool pool. they are wearing an old t shirt- unisex- and long shorts. its a... man. yeah a man. wait- no its a girl- definitely woman... um... maybe a male... uh.... female? a unik?! WHAT THE FREAK IS IT?!?!?!?! then the thought comes: there is no way in heck i am getting in there until i find out what that thing is. so i sit and wait- hoping it will get up and go to the bathroom so i can see what one they go into. then i get the brilliant idea to listen closely for a name. someone looks at the "it" and yells something. dang i cant quite hear them! i tune in a little more, secretly hoping it is something gender obvious- like rose or daisy or butch or bubba- the it suddenly becomes clear: taylor. just my freaking luck. needless to say, i didnt swim that day. and i never found out what "it" was. it still bugs me to this day....

serendipity has got to be one of the most adorable shows on the earth. this tale of destiny and fate is mesmerizing and one cant help but be giddy while watching it! this show is so frustrating as well though... the audience can clearly see that the two people are perfect for each other and that fate really is trying to bring them together. alas, they ignore the signs and miss out on so much!!!! luckily, they are given numerous chances and finally realize they are the perfect match. sigh. classic movie. CAUTION: THOSE OF YOU INFLICTED WITH THE DISEASE HOPELESSROMANTICISM WILL BE EFFECTED BY THE CONTENTS IN THIS MOVIE. SYMPTOMS INCLUDE (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO): SEVERE GIDDINESS, THE INABILITY TO STOP SMILING, STRONG URGES TO LEAP IN THE AIR AND SKIP AROUND, A YEARNING TO KISS ANYONE IN REACH, AN INABILITY TO STOP LAUGHING, REPETATIVE SIGHING, AN ACHE IN THE CHEST (where the heart is), A STRONG DESIRE TO FALL IN LOVE, A WANT TO GRAB A PILLOW AND SHOVE YOUR FACE IN IT, RANDOM SCREAMS AND SHOUTS OF JOY EEKING OUT OF YOUR BODY, ETC. CONSIDER THIS A WARNING.

not all cowboys are wierdies, right? i'll cross my fingers...

what is it about an accent that is so dang sexy?!?! this is one mystery that i will never understand. the different way those foreigners twang those words is more then a little attractive. mmmmm baby.

all right i am done for today.
gracias amigos.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

el amor de mi vida

i want to take some time to tell you all about a young man who has changed my life. he is very handsome and smart. he smells good too. his name?? it shall remain anonymous...(marc ortega). if only every young man (or old for that matter) could be as COOL as him.

i am kirena and this is my story

Monday, November 10, 2008

random thoughts

there is a lot on my mind today... bits and pieces that probably won't make sense to you, but i want to get them out for my own enjoyment. here goes!

i heard the most profound quote today: music is the universal language. wow... good one huh? too bad i can't put my name on it. it is so true. in all cultures, continents, and countries you can find music. it is fundamental to life! can you even imagine a life without music... ewe. what a terrible thought. i know that in my own personal life, music is so important. i am always listening to a song or humming... something to do with music. it is so intriguing the effect music has on people. it can uplift or bring you down. it can make you giddy and love-sick or sad and alone. the power in those simple notes is incredible. sigh. i love music.

i love my daddy... you never know what you have until it is gone.

boys are blind. REALLY! can a girl be any more obvious? this is not the first time i have felt like this and it sure as heck wont be the last. but honestly. men! come on... open your eyes and see... don't just look. SEE. you will be very surprised at what you find. meanwhile, you will make a bunch of girls very happy :)

hopeless romantics... sigh. why is it hopeless?!!? why can't people change and make it real... not just a "silly, unrealistic dream". i refuse to believe that there are no gentlemen out there. REFUSE. i have met some... like my institute teacher, irwin. he is amazing. and my ward's old bishop... he was incredible. both of these men are modern day princes. there have to be more. boys take a look at men like these and strive to be a prince for your own little princess you will find one day. i know she will appreciate it. then, on the girls' end, we will try to be the best we can be for our princes. sounds like a good trade to me.

laughter... it really is like a medicine. i am so appreciative for this marvelous thing. i LOVE laughing.

did i mention that boys are blind?

i hate roots. when you color your hair and your natual hair starts poking through. i suppose the smart way to fix this is to not color your hair... but where is the fun in that?! it is a pain though... you have to touch it up just right or bad things could happen. like your roots could turn out darker then the rest of your hair. or you didnt leave it on long enough and they are too light. sometimes you might miss a spot and have a random place on your head that has blonde roots climbing out. what a hassle! oh the lengths a girl will go...

nosy people can drive a person crazy. i am at fault with this sometimes too... but i try and catch myself. but you know those people who are always looking over your shoulder- reading your texts, emails, listening to phone calls, jumping into conversations and obnoxiously begging to be told what is going on, butting in a serious convo and wanting to know all about it. it is really bothersome. the world would be a better place if we would be more cautious about this... dont be annoying and have to know everything. it's okay to not know! you WILL live... promise :)

am i a clean freak? i wonder at times. i think i have ocd. i look around and i am appaled at the way some people live. i find myself doing crazy things- like cleaning other people's apartments, straightening up department stores, folding clothes that are thrown on a table in a store, etc. am i crazy? i like things to be clean... it is more peaceful and happy. nothing like walking into a clean home. plus your environment has an effect on you. why live in a mess? all it does is make you cranky. so come on... clean up after yourself and let everyone else live without your sour attitude because you have been unknowingly affected by your dirty living space.

CLOSE THE DOOR! all the way.

why is our world centered around money. everything we do deals with these stupid pieces of paper and cheap metal circles. why? why cant we just live day to day to live. be with each other instead of waste time working to get money, going to school so you can get a career to make money, etc. this seems so silly to me. why don't we do something about it?

obama is president. the second coming is COMING.

competition. why is this so commonly found in our world today? it seems like everything is a competition in our day and age. why do we need to compare ourselves to others and show them up to prove we are better then they are. this is ridiculous. there are always those people who have to compete with everything. if you have a story, they have one thats better. if something happened to you, something happened to them. if you are having a bad day, they have had one that was much worse. your life sucks, theirs is ten times more awful. if you are singing, they start singing louder. there are people like this all over. dont they drive you crazy? let's stop this competing crap and let everyone be themselves. that is enough. then, we will stop showing everyone up. let a person have a moment in the light. everyone wants it. to those people who are always showing up others: SHUT UP. thanks :)

facial hair is sick. shave it off. a little is okay but let's kill the men who invented handlebar mustaches, soul patches, ANY mustache, and thick chops. let it go and gimme that razor!

alone time is really great. necessary for life.

i am going to marry my best friend. i dont want a relationship that is just an infatuation. i want it to be a deep friendship- deeper then anything... one that will last. one with someone that knows you so well... almost as well as you know yourself. that is true love. p.s. the girly romantic stuff can still happen with your best friend ;)

"romeo save me, i've been feeling so alone. i keep waiting for you but you never come. is this in my head? i don't know what to think..." what a great song...

love kirena

Sunday, October 26, 2008

trip into the mind of kirena (be very afraid...):

there are alot of things swimming through my mind today...

first of all, there is the "f" word. WAIT- not THAT one... a different one. but one that is almost as bad in my eyes. what word could this possibly be- you are probably wondering. well, chances are that you have said it. not once or twice in your life. maybe once or twice a day. yeah that's right. have you figured it out yet? i won't say it... but i will give a hint. let's play a game:
unscramble the letters and win a prize!
that is it. that blasphemous/blasphemis/blasfemis/blassfemmus/other various ways to spell this word, etc. (yes that is what i said) word that is so commonly used.
why do i hate it so? well... it just sounds so icky. it sounds so crude and harsh... why let sounds come out of your mouth that are worse then tar on the tongue?! exactly.
so let's be creative. find different, better words that mean the same thing. there are lots of them! fluff, toot, flatulate, scuttle, move your bowels, tushie grumble, whatever! anything is better then the "f"word. you can even use my word for it: squeak. now doesn't that just roll off the tongue? go for it. say it. use it. love it. and bury that four letter "f"word.

next off: let's discuss people. PEOPLE. it simply amazes me how great people are. have you ever met someone you had no idea who they were, but you just clicked. you fit together like a long lost puzzle and it is like you were meant to be buddies. i've met quite a few people like this and it never ceases to amaze me how it works out. you talk to them for ten minutes and you feel like you have known them for ages. what an incredible connection.

there is another thing that has been on my mind. today there was a woman holding a little baby that sat in front of me. i sat and watched this infant in utter amazement. i looked at her little tiny feet and toes in awe. not too long ago, i was that small. not to long in the future she will be a young woman like me. this is so incredible to me. how is it possible that we can be born so small and helpless yet so innocent and "precious" {that was for you megan leav :)} and grow up to be who we are? my mind just wants to explode at this thought! the human body is incredible. i can't even describe it! i guess the only things i can really say are that god knows what he is doing and i am so glad that he has given us children- those little reminders of heaven. i wait in anxious anticipation for my own little angels to enter my life and call me by that sacred name: mother.

much love.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Holla Back!
so here i am... creating a blog. can you believe this? i can't... previously, i've always been against it. i thought it was silly and utterly ridiculous! but then suddenly... something changed. maybe a little blogger creature climbed into my body and is taking over my sane mind. maybe i'm just a wimp that gives into peer pressure.
whatever the case may be... here i am.
i dont expect anyone to read it.
i will be surprised if there is.
but i am going to try it.
here it goes.
post #1 done.
much love,