Sunday, October 26, 2008

trip into the mind of kirena (be very afraid...):

there are alot of things swimming through my mind today...

first of all, there is the "f" word. WAIT- not THAT one... a different one. but one that is almost as bad in my eyes. what word could this possibly be- you are probably wondering. well, chances are that you have said it. not once or twice in your life. maybe once or twice a day. yeah that's right. have you figured it out yet? i won't say it... but i will give a hint. let's play a game:
unscramble the letters and win a prize!
that is it. that blasphemous/blasphemis/blasfemis/blassfemmus/other various ways to spell this word, etc. (yes that is what i said) word that is so commonly used.
why do i hate it so? well... it just sounds so icky. it sounds so crude and harsh... why let sounds come out of your mouth that are worse then tar on the tongue?! exactly.
so let's be creative. find different, better words that mean the same thing. there are lots of them! fluff, toot, flatulate, scuttle, move your bowels, tushie grumble, whatever! anything is better then the "f"word. you can even use my word for it: squeak. now doesn't that just roll off the tongue? go for it. say it. use it. love it. and bury that four letter "f"word.

next off: let's discuss people. PEOPLE. it simply amazes me how great people are. have you ever met someone you had no idea who they were, but you just clicked. you fit together like a long lost puzzle and it is like you were meant to be buddies. i've met quite a few people like this and it never ceases to amaze me how it works out. you talk to them for ten minutes and you feel like you have known them for ages. what an incredible connection.

there is another thing that has been on my mind. today there was a woman holding a little baby that sat in front of me. i sat and watched this infant in utter amazement. i looked at her little tiny feet and toes in awe. not too long ago, i was that small. not to long in the future she will be a young woman like me. this is so incredible to me. how is it possible that we can be born so small and helpless yet so innocent and "precious" {that was for you megan leav :)} and grow up to be who we are? my mind just wants to explode at this thought! the human body is incredible. i can't even describe it! i guess the only things i can really say are that god knows what he is doing and i am so glad that he has given us children- those little reminders of heaven. i wait in anxious anticipation for my own little angels to enter my life and call me by that sacred name: mother.

much love.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Holla Back!
so here i am... creating a blog. can you believe this? i can't... previously, i've always been against it. i thought it was silly and utterly ridiculous! but then suddenly... something changed. maybe a little blogger creature climbed into my body and is taking over my sane mind. maybe i'm just a wimp that gives into peer pressure.
whatever the case may be... here i am.
i dont expect anyone to read it.
i will be surprised if there is.
but i am going to try it.
here it goes.
post #1 done.
much love,